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Assisting not pre-determining |
I was asked in a blog comment how would I arrange the day ina classroom focused on developing the gifts and talents of all students – to
ensure, as it states in the 2007 New Zealand Curriculum, they all become ‘seekers, users and creators of their
own knowledge’; to ensure all students leave with positive ‘learning
The question was in a response to the ideas of Sir Ken Robinson (‘creativity is as important as literacy and numeracy’) and GuyClaxton (‘learnacy is as important to literacy and numeracy’).
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Time to apply his advice!! |
Many schools and teachers are aware of the ideas of Sir Ken
and Guy Claxton ( and many other educationalists who are asking for transformation of our antiquated education system) but in contrast most school
days reflect approaches that have their genesis in a past industrial age, And worse still this over emphasis on narrow
literacy and numeracy demands is being reinforced by the reactionary political imposition of the
current government’s National Standards and associated accountability demands
in these areas.
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Elwyn - NZ's pioneer creative teacher |
So what to do?
The first think is to focus all ‘teaching’ on the development of every students’’ gifts and talents. This is not to throw out
literacy and numeracy but to re frame them in the service of creative inquiry
across the curriculum. As Guy Claxton has written students need to see the
point in all they do.
I suggest teachers take educators Thomas Sergiovani’s advice
to ‘build in canvas’. By this he means look as if you are doing what is
expected while dramatically changing the approach to the literacy and numeracy
times. The building in canvas metaphor relates to the construction of canvas
tanks in the Iraq war to fool the enemy. This means introducing as much applied
reading and maths as you can tied into the current inquiry study.
The key belief is to see the current inquiry topic as
providing the energy and inspiration for most of what goes on in the school
day and to personalise learning for each student.
An inquiry based programme is in direct conflict with the
formulaic deterministic ‘best practice’ teaching that has become the norm in
most schools. By the over use of such things as success criteria, intentional
teaching, feed-forward ‘next step’ teaching, and a ‘we are going to learn’
model (WALTS) too much student work lacks individual creativity. Teachers who
use such things need to encourage their students to ensure whatever they do
expresses their individuality – except in such things as spelling and practical
maths. We are talking about a personalised approach to learning rather than a
standardised one.
A creative inquiry based classroom centres around students
(and teachers) working together to solve what some writers called ‘messy’,
‘wild’, fertile’ or ‘generative’ topics. This exploratory or ‘emergent’
approach to learning is, as mentioned, in conflict with current approaches but
it is a creative approach for both teachers and students. To succeed teachers need to follow educationalist
Jerome Bruner’s advice that ‘teaching is the canny art of intellectual
temptation’. Whatever students are tempted to do should be done in depth –
‘fewer things should be done well’
In creative classrooms teachers need to focus their time on
developing with their students such temptations and thinking how they can
infuse all the necessary literacy and numeracy skills required for students to
produce quality work. There are excellent books which provide examples of how
this can be done. Obviously not all literacy and numeracy will be integrated – such areas have their own areas to explore using an inquiry approach. Most of all teachers need to ensure all students
acquire the learning dispositions to develop positive attitudes.
The practice of using ability groups needs to be questioned
and students helped as required, individually or in groups, and then returned
to work with others. This approach is well described by educationalists David Perkins and Jo Boaler.
By such means the shape of the day retains much of what is
currently seen but instead of the ‘evil twins of literacy and numeracy gobbling up the
entire curriculum’ (as one UK commentator has written) they become integral to
the development of the gifts and talents of all students.
Such classrooms value personalised diagnostic assistance to
learners in areas of shown need so all students’ can achieve quality learning.
The best evidence of learning is to be seen in what the students’ have achieved
(exhibitions, wall displays, demonstrations, presentations, electronic
portfolios) and but most importantly by their students’ confidence to apply
skills and knowledge gained to new situations. In such classrooms both teachers
and students can show how all aspects of learning, including attitudes, have improved.
It was suggested to me that I should listen to a video presentation given by Ewan McIntosh at a recent Thinking Conference (Jan 2013) because his
ideas challenge the pre-deterministic’ best practices’ currently to be seen in
classrooms. His presentation was titled ‘The Problem Finders’ and in it he
explores the process creative professionals use and how they can be applied to
support creative dynamicand deeper thinkers. Brilliant stuff - find time to watch
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Ewan McIntosh |
Creative people, he says, have four qualities:
1 They know why they
do what they do.
They see the whole problem and then they work on the hard
parts (David Perkin’s advice). Ewan referred to Guy Claxton’s 6 pillars of
learning that one learning must have (1) challenge (2) be collaborative(3)
provide responsibility (4) respect learner’s ideas (5) be about real things (6)
provide choices.
2 They are agent provocateurs.
They provoke learning. Schools should not involve students
in questions that can be answered by ‘Google’. Students need to discover by
themselves – to transform what they know. Students need ‘messy’ learning
situations to develop generative thinking that unfolds as students dig deeper.
Students need to find their own problems.
Picasso - agent provocateur! |
3 They trust the process.
Creative people trust that new thinking will evolve through
the design process. First they begin to explore the chosen area and are on the
alert for ‘leads’ to occur; then they begin to define areas to research; then
ideas to solve problems; from this developing ‘prototypes’ which provide
feedback to improve. The first steps are divergent and then ideas converge.
Teachers, McIntosh, do too much of the planning (problem
seeking) themselves. Instead they should start learning with the students. (So
much for all this pre-determined learning). Give students a chance to wonder,
to develop their own ‘juicy’ questions. Help students define the problem and
possible solutions. Don’t assess results too early!
4 Creative people live to perform.
Preforming your learning is so important. Students need
opportunities to exhibit, demonstrate, show and tell about what they have
learnt. Students need opportunities to feel their work is memorable. ‘To
achieve great things’ McIntosh quotes, ‘two things are needed a plan and not
enough time.’ If given the opportunity children can learn by themselves.
Seems to me McIntosh is describing what creative teachers
do. McIntosh is elaborating the ‘community of scientists and artists’ of Elwyn
Richardson or describing how teachers can ensure that all students develop
positive creative learning identities able, as the 2007 New Zealand Curriculum
says, to able to ‘seek, use and create their own knowledge’.
With a creative mind-set teachers can transform their
classrooms into personalised learning communities, and if they are clever (by
‘building in canvas’), those in authority might never notice. And, in a way, it
won’t matter if students are producing amazing results. Such creative teachers
will be able to gain some sort of immunity.
Creative classrooms, and better still schools, are a real
alternative to the narrowing effect of
the current assessment crazy emphasis on literacy and numeracy and the
deadening effect of formulaic ‘best practice’ teaching. Creative classrooms are learning organisations while 'best practice' schools are communities of ( conformist) practices.
Learning organisation quotes
Learning organisation quotes