Time to put
Sir Ken Robinson into action
Readings Saturday 25h May
Time to transform education?
teachers have heard or read the thoughts ofSir Ken Robinson's about transforming education ‘from the
ground up’ as outlined in his book Creative Schools. He
writes, ‘creativity is as important as literacy and numeracy’. We think it is
now time now to put his ideas into action.
This is all
the more important after hearing on the Sunday Education TV programme where it
was said teachers are spending 60 hours
pus a week to cope with what is required of them.
Time surely for teachers to get off the current obsessive assessment and associated documentation bandwagon and consider a real alternative. Workload demands seem to be mainly associated with literacy and numeracy, much of it is generated by schools themselves!
Time surely for teachers to get off the current obsessive assessment and associated documentation bandwagon and consider a real alternative. Workload demands seem to be mainly associated with literacy and numeracy, much of it is generated by schools themselves!
Time to make teaching more fun and
We also
appreciate that there are a number of teachers already doing their best to
develop interesting ideas: ‘play based learning’ (a modern interpretation of
1950/60s ‘developmental programmes’), ‘passion hours’, ‘wonder walls’, ‘mindfulness’,
flexible learning environments (another recycled idea reflecting the open plan
schools of the 70s), valuing the importance of ‘agency’, environmental education,
place based learning, Project Based Learning ( Dewey again!) the introduction
of information technology (the
current ‘silver bullet’) , developing a local curriculum, and so on. All worthy
but all too often ‘add ons’ to the current system
Need to escape from the current
practices such as the amount of time placed on literacy and numeracy, compounded
by obsessive assessment and documentation demands, block any real change
.Past decades have
seen the introduction of formulaic standardised approaches such as WALTs, ‘next steps’ (do we really
know enough about next steps or are we limiting our students to what we
think?), ‘success criteria’, ‘intentional teaching’, heavy handed feedback, and
prescribed learning objectives. And this will be worse with the introduction of PaCT
testing where teachers will be expected to assess students against learning
expectations in all learning areas – an impossible task
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Standardised teaching |
The classroom in the image of Te Papa
What appears
to be missing is: first hand experiential learning, the valuing of the personal world of students, a lack of
focus on developing every learners’ talents and gifts, integrated learning , and, most of all, an appreciation of the idiosyncratic creativity of students.
If teachers provided skills at point of need this would result in quality learning across the curriculum and the creation of room environments that celebrate students’ creativity across the curriculum. We see classrooms as ‘mini Te Papa’ – with the students busy researching questions they feel is important, creating exhibitions (and portfolios), arranging demonstrations and interactive displays all featuring their language and art and making use of information technology.
If teachers provided skills at point of need this would result in quality learning across the curriculum and the creation of room environments that celebrate students’ creativity across the curriculum. We see classrooms as ‘mini Te Papa’ – with the students busy researching questions they feel is important, creating exhibitions (and portfolios), arranging demonstrations and interactive displays all featuring their language and art and making use of information technology.
The spirit of the New Zealand
Changes as
outlined above would be in the spirit of the New Zealand Curriculum which
states, students need to ‘seek, use and create their own knowledge’. As an aside there are
those that
believe process is more important than process but we beg to differ – both are important and student can only grow when they can see or feel they are progressing. Students learn through creation; knowledge, in this sense, is a ‘verb, a doing word.
believe process is more important than process but we beg to differ – both are important and student can only grow when they can see or feel they are progressing. Students learn through creation; knowledge, in this sense, is a ‘verb, a doing word.
Future ready citizens
In such an
environment students are self-educating/assessing, continually developing new
knowledge, picking up required skills (including literacy and numeracy) as needed
on the job for any project, working in teams as scientists and artists,
developing lifelong learning attributes - entrepreneurship and creativity vital for future
All this is
nothing new and goes back to such educators like John Dewey who wrote ‘children
grow into tomorrow as they live today’. For too long we seem to have followed
the standardised ‘assembly line’ approach of Henry Ford fragmenting learning in
the process.
The role of teachers.
The challenge for teachers is to set up the condition to encourage learning, to trust students
to explore areas of interest to them, and help to them acquire skills as
necessary to complete work of pride and, in the process of such learning, ensure students develop
the ability to assess their own progress against their previous best. This does
not mean leaving learning up to chance. The teachers’ role, as educationalist
Jerome Bruner writes, ‘is the canny art of intellectual temptation’ and
teachers could provide a range of challenges to ‘tempt’ learning.
If teachers do
this then they could amplify the curiosity, resourcefulness, creativity and
confidence that are innate human qualities – until they enter formal schooling
where teachers determine and assess learning of things the teachers feel is
Students are always learning – for
better or worse.

The artistry of a creative teacher
A true
teacher helps students with a light hand, finding out what the learner already
know or can do, encouraging them to them answer their own questions, valuing
the ideas they bring to the situation, modelling, giving feedback, providing
emotional support, encouraging risk taking, always
respecting the student’s efforts, and always ensuring the learner feels in control. This is teaching as a creative act in itself.
respecting the student’s efforts, and always ensuring the learner feels in control. This is teaching as a creative act in itself.
entering into such a learning environment. Such an environment builds on the
ideas of pioneer New Zealand educationalist Elwyn Richardson in his book In the Early World. Elwyn saw his
classroom as a community of scientists and artists exploring and expressing
ideas about their world.
We see such ideas
as transforming education and in the process making it far more attractive to
those who want to become teachers. If schools can’t create such ‘tempting’
environments students will bi-pass formal school and learn for themselves – as
many are already doing.
teachers could start with Sir Ken Robinson's book. Sir Ken proposes a highly
personalised approach; one that engages all students, develop their individual
abilities and their love of learning.
Hammonds and Allan Alach
May 2019
Sir Ken Robinson - 'Creativity is as
important as literacy and numeracy'
More from Sir Ken
The video talk will have you laughing
as well as seriously reflecting that our education system as currently
structured is harming far too many creative students. Decide for yourself after
viewing. If you go to the TEDTalk site, you can 'google' Sir Ken and then look
for his video clip
And more –
his address to the PN Inspired Impact Course 2011
What is the most important question
for students? Who Am I?
Organising the school day for 21stCentury Teaching - the Craft of Teaching
A close look at the daily classroom organisation /timetable is a sure way to get an idea of what is seen as important by the teacher – or the school. All too often today’s daily organisation still reflects past expectations
Elwyn Richardson – In the Early World
There was a
time when New Zealand primary education
was internationally recognised for
placing the learner at the centre of
learning. When education was driven by a belief in the creative power of the
learners themselves; when learning was based on the internal and external lives
of the children. But since Tomorrows Schools things have changed. Today schools have been distracted by
assessment, achievement data and measurement by standards. The evidence is becoming clear in our rush to
towards achieving measurable results children’s curiosity has been eroded.
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Available NZCER |
Creativity – its place in education – Wayne

‘We don’t really ask ourselves about the
purpose of school or why we send our kids there, it’s just
something we do. But every country should be asking themselves what schools are
for. In order to have an idea about what our countries are going to be like in
the future, we need to know what the purpose of our schools is. At the moment
it appears to be content transmission and testing, and that isn’t going to
produce the kind of innovators we need.’
What is school for?
On Teaching Reading, Spelling, and Related Subjects
Half Truths About Whole Language, by Alfie
‘While there is no precise, universally accepted
definition of Whole Language, and no party line f
or its proponents, this much is clear: it isn’t the “opposite” of phonics, and it doesn’t deny the importance of phonics. Even Kenneth Goodman, a pioneer of the Whole Language movement whose views are sometimes considered extreme, agrees that “you cannot read an alphabetic language without using and learning phonics.”’
or its proponents, this much is clear: it isn’t the “opposite” of phonics, and it doesn’t deny the importance of phonics. Even Kenneth Goodman, a pioneer of the Whole Language movement whose views are sometimes considered extreme, agrees that “you cannot read an alphabetic language without using and learning phonics.”’
Five Ways Design and Making Can Help Science Education
Come Alive
‘Design is an artistic endeavor that values the
creative and human centered application of
math, science and technology. Using design to help others learn science is not intuitive, however, once practiced you will see how humanistic and authentic it is to incorporate design in any subject. Below is a list of the most promising benefits that I have noticed in the past six years for using design as a framework and making as the engine to empower students as they gain and apply their scientific literacy.’
math, science and technology. Using design to help others learn science is not intuitive, however, once practiced you will see how humanistic and authentic it is to incorporate design in any subject. Below is a list of the most promising benefits that I have noticed in the past six years for using design as a framework and making as the engine to empower students as they gain and apply their scientific literacy.’