Team work in schools all too often seems to me to be increasingly about conforming team members to school expectations; about ensuring all members are on the same page.
expectations can have, according to Lehrer, limiting effects on tapping
individual members’ creativity in schools this can result in clone like teaching.
is all very well to ensure quality but it ought not to be at the expense of
creativity. When I used to visit classrooms with teachers I always asked them
to consider each classrooms ‘CC ratings’ – one eye to observe consistency the
other to note individual creativity.
Teaching isa creative activity with lots of variables to cater for and the value of
teamwork planning, Lehrer writes, is to connect member’s imaginations through collaboration.
The group (or teaching team) according to Lehrer ‘is not just a collection of
individual’s talents. Instead, it is a chance to for those talents to exceed
themselves, to produce something greater than anyone thought possible’.
Lehrer is
interested ‘why some groups are more than a sum of their parts.’ And
importantly there is ‘evidence group creativity in organisations is becoming
more necessary… solutions can only be
found by working with other people.’ Today 99% of scientific breakthroughs are
achieved through teamwork ‘requiring the expertise of people from different
backgrounds who bridge the gaps between disciplines’.
considers why some stage productions are more successful than others. It all
boils down to the degree of ‘social intimacy’ of the people working together –
the relationships between the collaborators. When there are poor relationships
musicals were likely to fail but if they knew each other too well the work also
suffered. The best teams were a mix of
old friends and ‘newbies’. People seem to want to work with their friends but
this it seems is the wrong thing to do. If you want to make something special,and avoid ‘group think’ you need new people – outsiders!
It seems creative solutions require the view of people who do not ‘know what to do’. In
creative organisations (and ought not schools to be seen as creative
organisations?) innovation ‘emerges when people of diverse backgrounds work
creative organisations like Apple have realized that the best collaborations
happen by accident and have arranged their ‘campuses’ so that it is impossible not to run into
others. One sociologist calls these meetings ‘third places’. Throughout history shared places ‘have played
an outsized role in the history of new ideas from coffeehouses of eighteenth
century England… to the Left Bank of modernist Paris’. ‘Random conversations
are a constant source of ideas’. ‘The most innovative teams are mixture of the
familiar and unexpected’.
Creative organisations
have structured their spaces to allow such interactions to happen – even
considering the placement of toilets! Schools by contrast have traditionally
separated children in age cohorts, ability groups, and by fragmented subjects –
all isolated from the immediate environment.
As well
creative organisations recognise that their most creative employees are well
connected and have the ability ‘to suck up ideas like vacuum cleaners’. Schools
ought to value these ‘creative swipers’ because through them new ideas enter
the system from elsewhere. The teachers that need to be valued are whateducationalist Mitchel Fullan called, in his latest book, ‘deviants’.
As Lehrer
observes ‘the best stuff happens when someone tells you something you didn’t already
know’.’ Innovative systems’, computer scientist Christopher Langton once
observed, ‘constantly veer towards the edge of chaos’; environments that are
neither fully predictable of fully anarchic. Schools and individual classrooms are in the
same position.
Creativity occurs at the edge of chaos
In the most
creative teams the entire teams feel responsible for ‘catching mistakes’ – ‘to
learn from the mistakes of others’ - able to criticize others ideas. Lehrer
mentions the problem with traditional brainstorming, where ideas are accepted
uncritically – the ‘freewheeling of ideas’ saying it is important to debate and
criticize each other’s ideas. Dissent in group sessions can dramatically expand
creative potential – even if the dissent is wrong. Obviously criticism should
never get out of control – one idea is that any criticism should contain a new
idea that builds on the flaws of the previous contributor. Many good ideas come
after meetings when things have cooled down! Such meetings involve difficult
conversations and disorientating surprises but as one film producer said ‘no
one said making a good film was easy’
There is a
message here for school or team leaders – ‘you need to hire the best folks and
get out of the way’ – unless you want your own ideas ‘rubber stamped’! Creative
leaders value the individual ‘voices’ of team members and respect their learning
identity – as hopefully do the teachers in their classrooms.
Like any
creative organisations schools need to bring in ‘flesh blood’ and incorporate
new ‘voices’; they need to ‘allow the inexperienced to ask naive questions and
to come up with plenty of impractical suggestions’. Organisation need these
weird people – ‘you need to tolerate a certain kind of ..weirdness.’
Schools are,
by their nature, fairly conformist environments. Every opportunity ought to be
created to allow ideas that might just make learning for teachers and students
more fun.
Contrary to
a common phrase, ‘there is no” I” in TEAM, if there isn’t then schools are in
trouble – they will remain idea or imagination free environments.
There is a lot of truth in what you say. A lot of team work is agreeing with what others have already decided. Schools are terribly conformist places and need all the creativity teachers can offer - specially with National Standards and League tables on the horizon.
For many teachers there is no real issue but for those few really creative they can be pressurized to conform and,if this is the case, good ideas can be lost.
Bruce, I think your comment towards the end about hiring the best and getting out of the way ties into the concept mentioned earlier that you give voice to people. The organization I work in is only interested in one voice-the party voice. They are absolutely determined to do it their way without listening to others who offer a different view.
You are not alone Ivon but their still has to be agreement about purpose - but a purpose that values the importance of dissent.
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