Sir Ken Robinson (and Abraham
Lincoln) on the need to transform our outdated education system – to ‘tread softly on children’s dreams’.
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Sir Ken Robinson |
Sir Ken Robinson is well known to
most teachers but for all the admiration few schools have put his ideas into
The trouble is although there have always been a small group of creative teachers whose teaching is aligned to SirKen’s views their ideas have been side-lined by the standardized approaches being foisted on
schools by the current government; an approach that favours narrow achievement
above love of learning.
Sir Ken’s follow up TED talk (which is still the most viewed TED
video of all time) provides educators
and opposition politicians with a real alternative but only if admirers have
the necessary courage to translate words into action.
Unfortunately far too many schools
have been pressurized into complying with implementing a narrow
educational approach based on assessing students on literacy and numeracy achievement. Literacy and numeracy have, in
effect, become the default curriculum. Arbitrary national standards and league
tables have reinforced the natural conservative ethos of schools.
Sir Ken believes that not only do we
have to face up to a climate crisis but that there is also a ‘crisis of human
resources and that we need to deal with the crisis
with the same urgency as we make such poor use of our talents’. ‘Many people’, says Sir Ken,’ go
through their lives not knowing what
their talents are…many people don’t think they are good at anything…many people
simply do not enjoy what they do…they get no great pleasure…they endure it’. In
contrast some people ‘love what they do…it is who they are…it is their
authentic self’. Such people however, says Sir Ken, are a minority.
An explanation for this sad siyuation is education.
‘Education' , he says, ‘dislocates many people from their natural talents'.
An education that taps into student’s
talents is not easy according to Sir Ken, ‘(talents) are buried deep…we have to looking for them…you
have to create the circumstances for them to be realised.’
‘Every system around the world is
being reformed but reform is not enough….we do not need evolution but
revolution… education has to be transformed into something else.’
Lincoln said, ‘The dogmas of the quiet past are
inadequate for the striving present, the occasion is piled high with difficulty
and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new so we need to think anew
and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves and then we can save our country.’
Building on Lincoln’s speech and relating
it to the crisis in education Sir Ken said there are ideas about schooling we
take for granted.
ideas were suited to a previous century but our minds are still captured by
them. We need to ‘disenthrall ourselves of them. This, he said, is easier said than done
because ‘it is very difficult to know what you take for granted the reason
being we take them for granted’.
Until we challenge currentassumptions and way we do things currently we cannot move into the future- all
we are currently doing is tinkering with a failing system. Worse still the current standardisation
government’s’ agenda is reactionary at best; an agenda that is creating a
system unsuitable for far too many students.
Two things, in particular, are
limiting education according to Sir Ken.
The first thing we need to ‘disenthrall
ourselves of is the idea of linearity…the ideas that students need to follow a
specific track….Life
is not linear, it is organic. We create our lives as we explore our talents. We
have become obsessed with this linear narrative’.
of this linearity teachers all too often do not take their student’s interests
seriously. Students are pushed into ability groups and courses that do not
suit them – all too often more the convenience of teachers and their
intentions. ‘Schools’, believes Sir Ken,
‘need to focus on the innate gifts of the students.’ ‘Human communities
depend on a diversity of talents’ The
challenge for teachers is to ‘reconstitute our conception of ability’. Our
ability grouping is subverting students –‘ignoring their gifts and talents’.
‘The second big issue is conformity. We have
designed our education on the model of fast food. Everything is standardised rather than customised’. Our current
education is ‘impoverishing our spirit and energy as much as fast food is
depleting our bodies.’
No wonder students become disengaged or leave alienated from their own
learning. Many can no longer see the point of it all.
(The two
taken for granted assumptions that come to my mind is the current over emphasis on literacy and numeracy
and, associated with this, the harmful
effect of demeaning ability grouping. By the use of such approaches and
associated obsessive assessment
schools have already all but moved back into 3rs Victorian education. )
According to Sir Ken ‘we need to
recognise that human talent extremely diversified…we all have unique aptitudes….we need to recognise the power of
passion…what excites our spirit and energy…the things we love and want to get
good at.’
Imagine schools based on developing
this love of learning – the need to tap into and amplify every student’s
‘When students get into something
that resonates with their spirit they become completely engaged. People are opting out of educationbecause it does not feed their spirit, their energy or their passion.’
‘We need to change our metaphors. We
need to go from an industrial model which is based on linearity and conformity
and batching people and move to a model that is based on the spirit of
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The model for education! |
‘ We have to recognise that human talent is
not a mechanical process – it is an organic process and you cannot predict the
outcome of human development, all we can do is to create the conditions under
which they will flourish.’
‘We are not
into cloning education’ ( standardising it as is the current agenda)’ it is about customising to your
circumstances and personalising teaching to the students you are actually
Personalising education to develop
the talents and gifts of all students is the ‘answer to the future – it is
about creating a movement in education with external support based on a
personalised curriculum.’
Sir Ken concluded his presentation
with a quote from W B Yeats,’
I have only my dreams to offer,
tread softly on my dreams’.
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W B Yeats |
‘We should tread softly on our
children’s dreams’.
So far we crushed more dreams than
realised them. No
wonder so many students leave our current school system seeing themselves as
Imagine a country with an educationsystem dedicated to realising the gifts and talents of all students. How
would a school look dedicated to developing the talents of all students? Could
schools be developed to ensure all students to leave with their innate desire
to learn and explore alive and well?
Sir Ken believes that the combination
of new technologies and creative teachers could form the basis of transformed
system but only if we ‘change from an industrial model to an agricultural one.’
More Sir Ken
And lots more on Google
54The problem, as you are well aware, is that our ideologically deaf and blind govt is ignoring Sir Ken and his ilk. The same way that they are ignoring climate change and that they ignored work place safety in the past. They've used the complaint media to sell their spin to parents and so have entrenched in parents' minds, the need for standards. Undoing that will be hard work.
How do you envision a 21stC school/class? How different would it look from a current classroom/school?
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