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Rose Patterson |
Recently the 'right wing' New Zealand Initiative ( a 'think tank' that replaced the earlier Roundtable) published a report on the New Zealand Numeracy Programme by researcher Rose Patterson.
You can read the whole report for yourself if you wish.
The forward written by a banker states:
'With this report, the New Zealand Initiative is raising a timely discussion on this important subject. It argues that the move away from rote learning in our primary schools over the past 15 years has meant that schoolkids no longer get the solid grounding in the basics of maths that they need'.
'Finding the right balance in our schools to inspire and engage children in maths from an early age is critical for their success, and for New Zealand’s'.
I agree with the second comment but worry about this suggestion to move back to rote learning.
Vince Wright's quote from the report below indicates the problem with imposed 'best practices' - they easily revert to 'fixed practices' and sideline 'next practices'.
'The freedom and flexibility of the smaller projects was lost in the interest of national coordination. You put some tools in place and they become a hegemony – a practice – and that restricts your ability to say, can we do this any better'? — Vince Wright, ex-Ministry of Education, personal interview (16 December 2014)
A good idea lost in translation?
The report was countered by a NZ Principals Federation statement:
Maths Report doesn't Add Up
‘The latest research on the state of
mathematics teaching and learning released by the business group NZ Initiative,
may have reached quite different conclusions had it sought critical input from
education’s academic and professional sector,’ said Denise Torrey, President of
the New Zealand Principals’ Federation (NZPF).
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Denise Torrey |
‘It’s a huge leap to conclude that there
is a causal link between an international league table ranking and the failure
of a numeracy project, decline in the standards of mathematical teaching
competence and decline in children’s knowledge of basics,’ said Torrey, ‘It’s an
even greater stretch of credibility to suggest that New Zealand’s TIMSS and PISA
rankings can be lifted by introducing a certificate of mathematical competence
for teachers,’ she said.
‘NZPF would welcome a robust study
conducted by qualified professionals and academics in mathematics, to identify
the benefits of on-going professional learning development opportunities for
mathematics teachers,’ said Torrey.
‘It is much more likely that the removal
of specialist expert maths advisors has impacted on students’ maths results, not
the removal of learning basics by rote,’ she said.
It is also interesting to note that the recent emphasis on the Numeracy National Standards has done little improve achievement or, more importantly, attitudes towards maths , it has just distorted maths thinking in schools
I am also aware of a number of schools who have opted out of the Numeracy Programme because they had their doubts of its value.
Kekvin Smythe wrote about the numeracy programme in his Networkonnect site March 2015
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'A number of us have screamed till we were blue in the face that the numeracy programme was wrong, wrong, wrong … we said leaving out geometry and shape was wrong; we said giving children five different ways to add was wrong (the only children who gained something from it were brighter children, less able children were befuddled, and even for brighter children the time could have been better spent); we said the huge number of objectives, learning outcomes and the like were fragmenting learning, confusing many, slowing it down for all; we said the complex, wandering groups for mathematics was wrong; we said not having numeracy and mathematics combined was wrong; we said the absence of problem-solving, real problem-solving was wrong'.
Well - that's pretty clear!
What hasn't been mentioned is the demeaning use of ability grouping developing poor attitudes for those streamed into the lower groups.
All too often maths has been reduced to formulaic teaching rather than encouraging students to work as mathematicians working on relevant contextual studies being integrated into class or group content inquiries as required.
Kelvin Smythe's latest posting adds more to the debate
'Mathematics: here is the answer
- The common practice of cross-grouping cutting maths off from the rest of the class programme
- The resentment by children of the cross-grouping
- The heavy emphasis on grouping in the first place
- The way children in the top group receive a better deal than children in the other groups, thus making ability grouping a self-fulfilling placement of children
- The way grouping and cross-grouping impede relating maths to real life applications
- The teaching becoming routine because of a lack of attention to problem solving
- A sense of teachers not being sufficiently on top of things to be able to provide cohesion – not being able to go backward (to concepts taken) and forward (to concepts to be taken) in mathematical references
- Strategies being used in heavy-handed manner
- The lack of integration of numeracy with curriculum maths
- A severe drop in lively discussion – time pressures, you see
- The use of unmediated, downloaded teaching units
- The need for more ancillary aide help (the recent review office criticism of the use of teacher aides can be interpreted as providing support for the government policy of cutting back on funding for them)
- National standards'
- ( my highlighting in bold/ Bruce)
Couldn't express it better myself
Below are his thoughts:
Introduction to our maths approach
I had a conversation with the academic from Melbourne, Prof. Doug
Clarke, who identified that there are 7 stages children pass through in their
mathematics development. This is in the same way that infants pass through
developmental stages as pre-schoolers with smiling, rolling, crawling, walking,
talking etc.
Just as we don’t run programmes to teach each stage and test to see
if a child has passed before they move onto the next stage of smiling, crawling
etc, nor did Doug ever intend that a maths programme be set up to put children
through the stages in linear order. Learning is never as neat and tidy as that.
Some children don’t crawl, they move straight to walking.
Doug said it was useful for teachers to be aware of these stages in
a child’s mathematical development so that they can assist their learning. So
the Numeracy Project is an abuse of his research! He never intended for it to
end up like that.
Background to the Numeracy programme.
Background to the Numeracy programme.
The Numeracy Project was initially intended as a Teacher Development
Programme. For that purpose it is excellent. It makes teachers aware of the
various stages and strategies that children use and develop. If it stopped
there it would be fine - in my opinion!
As with many other mathematics initiatives in New Zealand, they
begin well but there is always a group of people who capture it and turn it
into a structured step-by-step, stage-by -stage, fragmented programme! That is
where it fails. Mathematics easily lends itself to being broken into fragmented
steps of learning, thereby making it easy to measure! This suits the scientific
management types who like to measure every step of progress and graph it. It
also makes placing children into ability groups very easy.
The problem with this approach is exactly the same as the problem
with the old Multi Level Maths programmes that I opposed back in the 90’s.
Learning is fragmented. Teachers plan lots of minute behavioural
objectives (now called ‘Learning Intentions’ thanks to Hattie and his ilk).
Children have to master each step to progress. The slow group (the donkeys) are
always way behind in the programme and by the time they leave primary school
they have missed half of the mathematics curriculum. They have been labelled
slow because they don’t fit the model of children parroting repetitious recall
of maths equations. In fact, they are usually very capable, they have been
incorrectly judged and put on the scrapheap forever.
This approach is what I describe as the ‘jigsaw’ approach. The
children never get to see the big picture. They never make connections of
mathematical ideas. For example, the link between fractions, decimals,
percentages, ratios, division etc are never made, because each bit is taught in
isolation (1/2 = 0.5 = 50% etc). This is made worse by Learning Intentions
because learning is confined to the identified objective, which the child has
parroted at the start of the lesson. The opportunity to go beyond that is
missed by the child and worse - by the teacher!
At Our School
Teachers hated planning the meaningless lessons that were prescribed
in a linear fashion in the numeracy booklets. It was a chore, not an exciting
learning opportunity, to teach this stuff.
Our maths results were going down and parents, teachers, and Board
of Trustees were becoming concerned.
This was contrary to the exciting, creative learning we were
attempting in other areas of the curriculum. Why keep doing this?
Well we didn’t!
We moved into a problem solving approach with contextual mathematics
lessons. This is being further developed right now with resources from the
Maths Task Centre in Melbourne, where children are taught to work like a
Mathematics is in context, it solves real problems and children
learn the skills as part of the problem solving process..
The teachers are being made aware of:
I believe there has never been a better time in the last 20 years
than right now to challenge the nonsense approach to teaching maths and to make
it come alive for children.
The Ministry of Education officials who imposed the Numeracy
nonsense on schools should be tied up at the stake and publicly flogged instead
of blaming teachers who had it imposed
on them!
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Prof Jo Boaler |
Foolishly we give these people the power and we shouldn’t!
If you want to read more from this 'respected' principal visit this link : Respected principal speaks out about his school's approach to learning and teaching
If you want to read more from this 'respected' principal visit this link : Respected principal speaks out about his school's approach to learning and teaching
The school makes use of the ideas of mathematician and educationalist Professor J Boaler I recommend Professor Jo Boaler's book and also the work of Australian maths educationalist Charles Lovett (whose work is also used by the above school).

The school above ,led by an ex maths adviser, makes use of her ideas and a school near me has bought multiple copies which has transformed the teachers attitudes towards maths.
The expression ‘there is an elephant in the room’ is the belief that ‘success in maths is a sign of general intelligence and that some people can do maths and others can’t.’
This link to an article by Charles Lovett ( maths educationalist) is well worth the read - better reading than Rose Patterson's misleading report.
This link to an article by Charles Lovett ( maths educationalist) is well worth the read - better reading than Rose Patterson's misleading report.
So after all that make up your own mind.
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