Swinging 60s - love, peace and freedom |
Over the years I have come to the conclusion that the
freedom of individuals that was part of the sixties had its dark side; that it
had morphed over the decades into ‘me first’ individual selfishness and as a
result, less concern with the common good. The heady freedom of the sixties,
after an era of austerity, released wave of creativity but ,as traditional
norms lost their power, creativity all too often looked more like indulgence.
With these thoughts
in mind it was interesting to come across Francis
Beckett’s 2010 book ‘What did the
Baby Boomers Ever Do For Us?’ In his book Beckett argues that the children
of the 60s betrayed the generations that came before and after. I am not
totally convinced but he makes a good argument, an argument that is relevant to
the political situation countries like New Zealand currently face
Beckett makes it
clear that political change has its genesis in earlier decades.
Those returning after World War Two, when their time for
power came, knew what to do. In 1945 Major Clement Attlee, replaced war leader
Churchill, and set about changing the cultural norms of the United Kingdom. As Churchill left the palace in his Rolls Royce
concluding his leadership Clement Atlee arrived in his Hillman Minx to take up
the challenge. The less fortunate in Britain had had a difficult time living
through the 1930s depression and deprivation caused by the war – it was time
for change.
Clement Atlee |
Attlee’s government set about abolishing the five giants
‘Want, Ignorance, Disease, Squalor and Idleness’ and established the Welfare State
against the fierce opposition of the wealthy. The time was right to create a
fairer society for all.
A similar scenario
happened earlier in New Zealand with the election of the first Labour Government in
1936 led by Michael Joseph Savage. Changes began only to be interrupted by the
declaration of war in 1939. Savage’s government faced the same ‘five giants’ in
post war New Zealand.
As a result the social democratic ideology, both in the
United Kingdom and New Zealand, became the dominant narrative for the next few
decades - until the ‘baby boomers’ came
of age.
‘Baby Boomers’ are
those born following the Second World War who came of age in the radical
sixties, when there was , for the first time since the war, was money, safe sex, and freedom. It is
Beckett’s thesis that these young people exercising their new found freedom
were unaware of the price earlier generations paid for this freedom. Most of
them hardly realised the privation of their parents before and during the war
and the struggle that their parents made to ensure that their children were not
to be equally deprived.

For Baby Boomers the sixties were exciting and New Zealand
was not immune. Young people turned their backs on authority and their parents;
it was a rejection of society as it was previously organised. Bob Dylan, a
voice of the sixties gurus, told parents ‘not to criticize what they didn’t
understand’ –‘the trouble the boomers knew’, Beckett writes, ‘what they were
against more than what they were for’. Parents in the sixties reminded the young
that they were fortunate because there were no great causes left in comparison
to them having to survive through the depression and the war. A late 1950s,
movie starring James Dean, was called appropriately, according to Beckett, ‘A
Rebel Without A Cause’! When Dean was asked what he was rebelling against he
replied, ‘What have you got?’

So what began as the most radical-sounding generation for
half a century led eventually to the ideology of the free market established by Margaret Thatcher and led to
its complete expression under New Labour led by the first ‘baby boomer’ prime
Minister Tony Blair. The radicalism of the sixties, unlike the generation
following World War One 1914-1918,
decayed fast.
The short sixties – from the release of the Beatles ‘Love,
love me do’ was to be a wonderful time to be young who had no time for the past
and no appreciation of the privations of their parents. The young had little
memory of the appalling conditions their parents had been forced to live
through without the security provided by the welfare state – with of course the
Beatles,'Love, love love me do' |
exceptions of the wealthy upper classes. An out of work father in pre-war days
meant a family near starvation. Parents
returned from the war determined to change all that. That is why Atlee’s
government (and the Savage led government in New Zealand) gave working people
opportunities in health, education, employment, economic security and leisure
that changed the expectations of people dramatically.
First baby boomer UK PM |
With time such advances were taken for granted and ‘baby
boomers’ assumed it was the natural order of things. ‘Baby boomers’ fought for,
and won, the right to have their hair long and to enjoy sex. The contraceptive
pill had arrived. There was full employment; ‘Jack was felt to be as good as
his master’.
The baby boomers set about destroying past certainties. Beckett writes that the sixties philosophy
was the ‘direct predecessor of the Thatcherism view that there is no such thing
as society. The children of the sixties were the parents of Thatcherism’.
No such thing as society! |
‘The baby boomers had benefited from the victory over Nazism
and the establishment of the welfare state. As teenagers they had spare cash,
and fun ways to spend it – things their parents and grandparents could only
dream of’.
‘Now’, writes Beckett, ‘ as parents, there seems to be a special venom in
the loathing they show their young’. ‘It is though the sixties generation
decided that the freedom they had enjoyed was too good for their children’. The young are now required to pay market
forces for such things as their education – which for their parents was free.
As a result students are now burdened with debt. The baby boomer generation are
now more concerned with protecting their wealth and pensions than freedom for
their young
‘Schools, after a quick burst of sixties freedom, are being
sent back to the fifties as fast as possible’, Beckett writes. School uniforms,
rigid National Curriculums, the ‘three
Rs’, a punishing regime of testing and. increasingly regimented schools Adults
are demanding the respect that in their youth they happily ignored.
Once again gaps between the rich and the poor are being
established and the young once again have to struggle to buy their first homes.
The baby boomers are now old. When they were young they created cult of youth,
and now they are old they selfishly look after themselves. We are returning to
the unequal world of the 1930s.
Time now for a new narrative to redress the unequal
situation we are in as a result of a market forces ideology led by the adult
baby boomers. The protective power of democratic governments has been demeaned
as privatisation provides, for a cost, for services once provided as of right.
Michael Joseph Savage |
At some point the generations following the baby boomers
will be forced to confront the inequalities that have been established in Anglo
–American societies. The ever widening
income gap has the power to create conditions for unimaginable changes unless
faced up to.
The self-centred culture established by the mature baby
boomers need to be balanced by a concern for the good of all people. This is
the same challenge that faced Clement Atlee and Michael Joseph Savage in their
respective countries post World War Two.
Not wanted in 1945 |
What will eventuate may well surprise those currently in
power – as much as Atlee’ victory in 1945 demoralised Winston Churchill. The
private enterprise market forces ideology has not delivered wealth to the poor
as promised – there has been no ‘trickle down.’
The wealth has concentrated in the pockets of the few. A ‘winner /loser’ society has been created.
Belief in the political system is at an all-time low as
indicated by falling voting turn outs. A
new vision, one that includes all citizens, needs to be articulated as people
become are of the consequences of the growing inequality. The ‘market forces’
ideology is losing its authority as even the aspirational middle income groups
are finding themselves at risk. The idea that those in charge of industry know
best is wearing thin – the ‘supremacy’ of the wealthy we now experience was
last seen before the great depression.
‘And so the so the greedy eighties’, writes Beckett, ‘became
the beneficiaries of the indulgent sixties. Sixties man, twenty years older,
became eighties man: sleek, sharp-suited, and ready to harness the language of
liberation to the cause of capital.’ It was back to the fifties with a
vengeance’ Sixties hippy gurus have been replaced with new business gurus
preaching economic freedom and minimal government regulation. What eventuated
was ‘a small state, a liberated economy, power in the hands of wealthy individuals
and companies rather than the state’.
A fairer more
equitable society needs to be created. The consideration of the less fortunate
will be to the advantage of us all. Our politicians must create the conditions
where every citizen is able to contribute to the overall wealth of our country.
Such an important role cannot be left to the ideology of the rich, the
technocrats and their self-centred support of minimal government. All that has created
is a greater inequality.
A new government needs to provide a helping hand to all –
the young at school, those requiring employment, heath and homes. It is not
possible to return to the solutions of 1945 but what can be taken is
inspiration of the leaders of those difficult times when it looked as equally
difficult. When the welfare reforms were introduced the wealthy railed against
them – and will again today.
We need a gentler caring society – a new political
consensus, one that values the contribution and creativity of all, not just the
rich. A society that once again cares about the underdog, dedicated to getting
people out of the poverty trap. If a new consensus is not developed we are
heading for a crisis.
The baby boomers are leaving a dismal legacy ‘half are too
busy to notice, half too greedy to care’.
As the baby boomers are marching towards the grave they exercise their political
muscle; they have money and they have power.
‘We saw’ says Beckett writing about the baby boomers, ‘the
class barriers come down, and put them up again. If we meant any of the things
we said in the sixties, about peace, about education, about freedom, we would
have created a better world for our children to grow up in, and earned the
comfortable retirement we are going to fight for. But we made a worse one.’
New Zealand in the
sixties was a great place to bring up the young – for many families this is no
longer the case, it is time for a change. Perhaps we need to repeat the sixties
but these times to do it properly? The baby boomers forgot what mattered –
because they had no sense of the world their parents grew up in.
No expects change will be easy – it will require political
courage but for the welfare of the majority it will be worth it. Beckett
concludes his book that we are ‘The generation that has to clear up the mess’
the baby boomers created. ‘Money is not the root of all evil: poverty is. But
you can’t get rid of poverty except by distributing wealth.’ Not a popular idea
amongst the wealthy.
The market forces world of the baby boomers has reached it
use by date having delivered the widest income gap since the 1929 depression. The phrase, once heard by its supporters,
‘there is no alternative’ (TINA) is no longer is relevant. As with Clement
Atlee in the United Kingdom in 1945 and Michael Joseph Savage in the 1930s, new
ideas have to be found to replace failing policies.
Market forces have not worked |
The New Zealand Labour Party is now facing the need for the
same transformational challenge of the same degree as those faced by Savage and
The new leadership under David Cunliffe is beginning to express a new
narrative for the future. And as it is further expressed it will tap into the
feelings of those who have been left behind by the neo- liberals, or those who
are sensing that their own security is increasingly at risk, will begin to take
heed of new alternatives.
Labour is returning to its roots and is re-affirming its
founding principles. Its challenge is to present an alternative vision to the
public that gives hope to all and not just to the rich. The time is now right
for Labour to regain real political influence if it can present a viable/doable
set of policies – a real sense of alternative to the wider public. David
Cunliffe has come out strongly against the market forces ideology. He has
realised that the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and its aftermath requires a
comprehensive rethink of Labours entire policy approach. This is the beginning
of a real shift and, as it grows, has the power to capture energy from those
sensing things are going astray under the current government. Markets have been shown to fail. Business and
government need each other, everybody needs employment and a fair wage.
David Cunliffe is talking about a new beginning – hope and
opportunity for all; a fair and just society in contrast to the world of have
and have nots that is the legacy of previous market forces politicians.
Everyone is entitled to hope for a better future. Regions need to be supported.
Conditions must be created to give a helping hand to all. Sustainable clever
development needs to part of what is to be offered rather than the short term
policies that are all too common today. The welfare of all people must be
placed first rather many being sacrificed to ensure only the well- to- do
The adult baby boomers have had their day. Time for them to
move over and to begin to build a world suited for all sections of society and
those yet to be born; to develop the common good as well as encouraging the
creativity of individuals.
Exciting times!