A new school year is underway.
2014, as an election year will be an important year for education.
All with a stake in education, parents, teachers and students need to be as
informed about the alternatives available.
Steve Maharey, Minister of Education in the previous Labour Government was enthusiastic about ‘personalised education’ – an educational
approach focused on catering for the individual needs of each learner. At the
time it seemed a real alternative to the technocratic standardized curricula that
had been imposed on schools since the introduction of ‘Tomorrows Schools’ in
1986. ‘Tomorrows Schools’, at first, seemed an encouraging move to democratic
local control of education with its concept of ‘self-managing schools’. The New
Zealand Curriculum that followed made it clear local control was more to do
with responsibility for finance, buildings, property and staffing than
The philosophy of devolution has had its successes but also
its detractors. At first School Boards of Trustees were fully occupied with
their new responsibilities and the teaching teams with trying to implement an
increasingly difficult technocratic curriculum – a curriculum with learning areas , strands
and, most problematic, an impossible range of learning objectives to implement
and assess.
Since the
introduction of ‘Tomorrows Schools’ governments have ‘tinkered’ with curriculum
requirements to make it more acceptable but finally, in 2007, the then Labour
Government introduced a ‘new’ New Zealand Curriculum. This curriculum still remains in place but it
has been all but side-lined by the present National Governments National
Standards requirements.
Sadly the vision of a personalised system has been replaced
by moves to standardise learning.
Non standardized individuals! |
Schools these days have, knowingly or not, implemented a
formulaic ‘best practice’ approach to learning.
National Standards now require all schools to grade their students
against standards in literacy and numeracy as ‘above’,’ at’ or ‘below’
standard. The premise is that this will ensure the ‘one in five students seen
as failing’ are given due attention. The consequences of such an approach is to
push schools to narrow their curriculums and in the process side-lining other
more creative or personal areas of learning – and in the process, as mentioned,
the 2007 New Zealand Curriculum.
As a result it is impossible not to observe, in most schools,
‘formulaic’ practices that conflict with more creative approaches that they
have all but replaced.
Kelvin Smythe, previously a Senior Inspector of Schools prior to ‘Tomorrows Schools’, had the presence of mind to predict the uncreative direction that lay ahead. At the time he was all but ignored but
today his worst case scenarios have come to pass. He warned that the educational approaches
being promulgated would denigrate the professionalism of teachers, would
introduce a restrictive curriculum based on reading and maths replacing the broad
holistic approaches, would impose stiff bureaucratic controls, fragment the
curriculum into arrays of narrow objectives accompanied by a heavy regime of
classroom and national testing, less professional sharing between schools, He foresaw educational direction relying on management
systems based on compliance rather than one valuing inspired classroom teaching
– a system corrupting the declared aims of liberal education.
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We need to listen to Sir Ken! |
He wondered ‘what
kind of society will such an education system create?’ The application of this neo liberal approach
to education, he has written, has reframed education in such a way to exclude
rational debate and, all too often, sees teachers as ‘self-interested and
standing in the way of “progress”’.
Kelvin believes there is nothing inevitable about current
approach. He believes that we need to ‘fight it with our own ideas based on a
clearly formed vision of society and the place of education within it’. Kelvin
is not against economic imperatives but believes both economic success and
humanistic education needs to value ‘imagination, creativity and variety’ not
efficiency based standardisation.
So it seems in 2014 there are two agendas for schools to
Firstly a standardised agenda
with National Standards and increasing assessment and accountability demands
and the possibility of League Tables or a more personalised one based on diversity,
creativity and self-responsibility. A choice between restrictive agenda of
National Standards allowing narrow school comparison, or the broader humanistic
curriculum as defined in the 2007 New Zealand Curriculum. Economist Brian
Easton has written that league tables will result in a Stalinist education
I have a cunning plan! |
John Key’s State of the Nation speech, though seemingly
acceptable to the wider public (and ironically the PPTA) will enforce the
standardised approach of the government – it certainly will not encourage
creativity and innovation. Twenty ‘super’ principals are to be chosen, from
those successful at achieving government policies, to work with underachieving
schools. Other principals are to be chosen to work with schools in local
clusters and finally lead teachers will help those of their colleagues who are
seen not to be achieving as required. All are to be well rewarded. Questions
remain unanswered. Who will choose the ‘super’ principals and teachers, and by
what criteria – obviously those schools who have implemented the government’s standards?
Performance management lays waiting in the wings – and payment by results. And
schools found ‘failing’ open the way for private charter schools to be
established, ironically being offered freedoms not provided to state schools!
Evidently our current Minister of Education has scoured the
world to gain ideas that fit the government’s agenda and has settled on gaining
inspiration from Asian counties that score highly on international tests
(themselves increasingly being seen as suspect). Her search for ‘best
practices’ has sadly ignored the more progressive and sympathetic approach of
Finland. Singapore is evidently a favoured model but one thing that is ignored
about Singapore is that when they demolished their slums they resettled their
citizens in mixed socio –economic estates avoiding the low decile communities
that have been created in New Zealand. The one in five ‘failing’ in our schools
echoes the ‘one in four students’ living in poverty – hard to ignore except by
the Minister.
The approach as outlined by John Key is as bureaucratic as
anything before Tomorrows Schools. It appears to revert to a medieval system of
barons, knights and pages (very keen to do what is expected) to enforce monarch
John’s wishes. John Key talks of using the influence of the ‘best in the
business’ (as if schools are businesses) and compares his approach to the All
Blacks employing specialised coaches! The idea of schools collaborating is
commendable but John Key’s approach has nothing to do with fostering, the
diverse talents of all students, or the importance of creativity and diversity-
it has more in common with the collaboration of Vichy France.
The government’s approach is an unsympathetic to encouraging the unique talents of individual students and teachers - so much for his All Black analogy!
education is increasingly about testing, measurement and surveillance; about
teaching to imposed formulas and narrow targets. As a result educators are
becoming increasingly ‘risk averse’. And, as part of the government’s agenda, the effects of poverty are
totally ignored. Teachers are certainly the most important factor in a child’s
success but only within the school. The greatest effects on learning disparity
(the ‘one in five failing’) are created outside of the school gate – any
alternative view needs to see the wider picture. Max Rashbrooke ( and recently
economist Brian Easton) provides all the
evidence of this growing disparity; Easton writes the only way to solve thisdisparity is to alleviate child poverty.
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Time for new thinking! |
As the election draws closer everyone needs to consider the
options available. It boils down to a choice between the neo liberal approach
of every person for themselves (which inevitably will widen the gap between
then rich and poor) or a philosophy which is based on a fair go for all; ‘me
first or we first’; greed or equity; private need( greed) or common good.
So this is an important year not only for schools.
It is all about what sort of country we want to become.
The choice couldn’t be clearer.
All thinking New Zealanders should read this and take action to ensure that this nonsense is killed stone dead at the election.
My big worry Allan is not that the general public become aware of the choices but that teachers themselves do! it will take courage and leadership at all levels. I wonder if many principals have already sold out?
Creative principals - an oxymoron? In most cases they act as protectors of the 'status quo'. Key's 'super principals' will, by virtue of their success, be efficient 'super conformers'!
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