The other side of ANZAC Day are the effects war had on those left at home.
Students might like to imagine what it would like to say farewell to tkeir loved ones that they might never see again?
What did those at home do to help the war effort and keep the country running?
How would it feel not to be able to hear from those who went away for long periods?
And worse still what it would be like to hear their loved ones had been lost in battle?
Students might think about why, when the men returned, they spoke little of their experiences?
And how would small communities throughout New Zealand be different because of the loss of so many in the war? What were the effects for young chidren who would never see ther tather again?
The answers to these questions might easily be made into a thought poem and shared at an assembly or with student's parents.
1 comment:
I would hope that most classes would explore the significance of ANZAC Day with their students?
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